| Sustainability

tsti sustainability

Our commitment to ethical business practices

The Company upholds the integrity of the business philosophy, the establishment of good corporate governance and risk control mechanisms, and to comply with the company law, securities trading law, business accounting law, listed on the relevant rules or other business practices.

In order to promote integrity, the Company has established the Corporate Co-ordination Convention, the Code of Corporate Ethics and Ethics, the Corporate Social Responsibility Practice Code, the Code of Conduct, the Code of Practice, and the conduct of the guidelines. The relevant norms published in the company's internal website for colleagues at any time query. Advocate core values and follow the system for each colleague, and regularly provide relevant education and training courses.

The Company requires commercial interests such as suppliers and customers to comply with the same ethical standards as the employees of the Company. The internal audit unit of the Company also audited the relevant laws and regulations of the Company, suppliers and customers at any time. The same time as

In order to prevent any dishonesty, the Company continues to preach all the supervisors to understand (may) have conflicts of interest and other matters of moral concern.


  • Opportunity for Youth
  • Youth Education Support
  • Community Service
  • Donation TFT(Teach for Taiwan) teachers resources for remote areas education Act
  • Fund Support for economically disadvantaged kids (World Vision Taiwan)


In terms of energy saving, the annual reduction of 5% electricity consumption as the goal. 2016 annual electricity consumption than in 2015 to reduce 87,893 degrees of electricity, about 7.2% less than 2015.
In terms of carbon reduction, with an annual reduction of 5% carbon emissions, the Company completed a total of 19 electronic sign forms in 2016, a decrease of totaling approximately 78,626 A4 paper, equivalent to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 0.44 metric tons.

  • Turn off the lights at noon every day for 1 hour
  • Recycling & Reducing Waste Act
  • Clean Beach Act
  • Donation SOW(Society of Wilderness) wilderness protection association Act

tsti Health movement for Environment, Community & Charity organization Act

tsti colleagues through the running, cycling, swimming and other sports,  quarterly donations to support specific nonprofit organizations and social environmental issues activities.

  • tsti Health movement x Wilderness protection: SOW(Society of Wilderness)
  • tsti Health movement x Remote areas education resources: TFT(Teach for Taiwan)
  • tsti Health movement x Economically disadvantaged kids : World Vision Taiwan
  • tsti Health movement x Food for vulnerable groups : Andrew Charity Food Bank
