| Continuous Learning

We believe our organizational competitiveness is coming from employee differentiation,
and our employee differentiation is deriving from their competences


Dual ladder career path

I like to study technology, being a team player, gained satisfaction within solving any kinds of critical problems.

I prefer being part of management team, not afraid having meeting all day, and have highly confidence to arrange all things well and make things happen.

Which would you prefer? In tsti, we offer two career development paths, with proper individual development, to let us continuous creating high performance and maintaining high competitiveness.

Management ladder:

Suitable for people with leadership qualities, responsible for operation management, who is also the responsibility of the captain and the coach. According to the company's "dictionary of management functions" ,we select from outstanding qualified person to promotion.

Profession ladder:

The company's sales, technical, research and development, staff work area is divided into 36 positions, and according to "professional functions of the dictionary" standards, the ability, role ,title and rewards also will increase.


Competences learning map

Pofessional learning map is set to facilitate colleagues each self learning and growth. At Sales position, for example: product knowledge, industry domain knowledge, project management, customer relations, regulations, value sales skill ... are all required functions, provides a wealth of learning resources and the environment.



Abundant learning environment

On-the-job learning 
Use Office project tasks, work rotations, overseas experience, most directly to nurture talent.

Group learning 
Weekly meeting time for working group discussion, topic discussion, promote exchang
e and interaction across teams.

External studies 
If the easy acquisition of knowledge and skills within the company, encouraging training or employing more teachers to companies offer customized courses.

The original resource 
Brand original website offering professional courses.

Experience sharing 
Company's digital learning systems and knowledge management platform for everyone to share practical experiences, learn from each other.

Learning Center 
Provide a comfortable learning environment, so that each participant learning colleagues, can be fully emptied himself, to concentrate on learning and growth.


We build good learning and position system, combined with the competence level and management level of the two-track system, employees in their own expertise, capacity and get the most on the career development space, resulting in higher performance for higher pay.