| NICE Interaction Analytics


For the most effective interaction analytics, the data collected must be comprehensive and timely, as well as easily searched and organized. NICE Interaction Analytics provides maximum speed and uncompromising accuracy by integrating the latest technologies for speech analytics, data exploration, and multi-channel analysis.

Speech Analytics
Most speech and text analytics infrastructures today have several limitations that slow things down and fail to faithfully reflect customer interactions. These include the need for a great deal of human fine-tuning of the data and a dependence on single- method systems (automatic speech recognition [ASR] or phonetics). NICE Interaction Analytics provides full speech recognition and indexing accuracy - at the speed of thought – with Neural Phonetic Speech Analytics (NPSA) technology. Unique to the industry, NPSA combines the strengths of both ASR and phonetic indexing. Patterned after the structure of the human brain, NPSA employs a neural network, expanding the depth, breadth and accuracy of ?the results without driving up computational costs. At the same time, NPSA is less cumbersome and more scalable than any other speech analytics solution. An adaptive language model brings greater accuracy to automated comprehension of both speech- and text-based customer communications. NICE Interaction Analytics then applies multi-dimensional analysis to words and phrases, emotion (for voice), sentiment (for text), talk over (agent and customer talking over each other), silence, holds and call transfers – all of which contribute to a much deeper insight into your customers and their experience with your brand.

Data Exploration
Most interaction analytics solutions have scale limitations. They’re fine for small contact centers, but for large implementations with hundreds or thousands of seats, their search capabilities can’t keep up. Because of the many nuances of speech (voice activity, diarization, etc.), as the scale increases, the sensitivity and flexibility of the solution plays an exponentially greater role. NICE Interaction Analytics incorporates Search Grid technology, which can expand when interaction volumes increase or data retention periods grow. Utilizing a MapReduce-style framework to allow massively parallel, multi-tenant distributed processing of data on commodity hardware or in the cloud, this configuration doesn’t require multiple instances of software no matter the volume of data.? This plays a key role in managing growth and ensuring full regulatory compliance. Alongside its fully distributable, scalable and cost-effective processing, NICE Interaction Analytics includes a query building tool, facilitating advanced reporting and finely tuned data discovery.

A Complete Picture
Companies need a combined view of what was said (speech and text) and what was done (desktop) during interactions. NICE Interaction Analytics therefore integrates speech and desktop analytics, as well as flexible metadata, in order to provide that comprehensive understanding of how customer interactions are impacted by the interplay of process and personnel. With this integrated solution, automated discovery across all text and speech interactions instantly identifies trends and emerging topics. A threshold can be set for a designated category, so that an automatic alert is issued if the threshold is crossed. When an issue worth exploring is discovered, root cause analysis is performed using natural language processing and statistical algorithms. When the root cause of a problem is identified, you can address it through actions such as real-time guidance, process automation or correction, targeted coaching or adjusting products and services.